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The Only Way Out is Through

Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis … and Beyond

headshotsJoin Julie Rufo (Head of Research, Mumford Soles Partners), Bob Ridout (Former VP/CIO, DuPont), and Dale Quayle (CEO, RF Code) for a thought-provoking discussion of the challenges that the COVID-19 crisis has presented, the actions leaders take to mitigate short-term damage from large-scale problems, and how an existential crisis like this can provide unique opportunities for organizational growth and change.

Want a sneak preview? Check out this compact overview of the findings from Mumford Sales Partner's recent research on crisis leadership! https://youtu.be/gwQheAHZhSc

COVID-19 has posed an existential threat to organizations of all kinds around the globe, challenging leaders to respond by quickly identifying vulnerabilities and preventing -- or at least minimizing -- damage. But what happens next? Leaders can’t just weather the storm, waiting for things to return to normal someday: rather, they must set a new course for their organizations that ensures success and lays the foundation for growth and resiliency in the next normal.

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