RF Code’s wire-free, easy to deploy environmental sensors provide the visibility and granularity you need to fine-tune the data center environment.
RF Code sensors continually send accurate temperature and humidity readings to the RF Code reader.
With measurements accurate to within 2° F and 4% RH, this sensor will help you ensure you're keeping your equipment running in optimal conditions.
RF Code locators allow asset tags to report their current location down to the individual rack or room level
Combining active RFID and infrared technologies, RF Code's critical asset tracking solution provides continuous visibility into the location of critical assets in real-time
Real-time visibility into activities and conditions in the data center
Secure operations, diagnose problems, and reduce the risks from unauthorized access
Reduce the need for local skills
Monitor all edge locations from a single platform
Scalable, easy to visualize displays
Critical asset tracking and environmental monitoring from RF Code provides continuous, real-time asset location data and environmental visibility across the entire data center, ensuring uptime, and delivering maximum operational efficiency and return on all data center investments