As any IT asset manager can tell you, data centers are highly dynamic environments. Critical IT assets travel throughout the facility on a daily basis, with incoming assets sitting on loading docks or placed in storage, devices are being taken offline for maintenance and equipment being deployed and de-provisioned as service requirements grow and change. The result? Highly valuable IT assets that store sensitive information are often misplaced by the IT asset manager due to inaccurate physical asset management practices. In fact, IT asset managers at companies that use outdated manual asset tracking and inventory processes like passive RFID technology, bar code scanners or clipboards and spreadsheets routinely report an annual average of 15% inventory inaccuracy. The result? Decreased asset utilization, lost revenue and regulatory compliance concerns.
RF Code’s continuous, real-time asset tracking solution enables your IT asset manager to drastically improves your asset management processes, delivering 99+% asset location accuracy across the entire lifecycle of each and every IT asset. By providing information on the location of your IT assets in real-time, RF Code solutions ensure inventory accuracy and deliver continuous savings by eliminating costly, time-consuming, inaccurate IT audit processes.
Reduce energy use by safely and confidently operating sustainable data centers at the most energy efficient temperatures. Identify inefficient hot spots and address them quickly
Reduce over-provisioning, improve data center staff efficiency, and ensure that every IT asset is deployed and delivering value for 100% of its lifecycle
Instant, accurate inventory reporting on-demand. Enable your IT asset manager to ensure maximum return on all data center investments, from deployment to retirement
Replace costly, time-consuming, and error-prone manual inventory and audit processes with continuous, automated, accurate asset visibility
Realize immediate savings with our simple-to-deploy and easy-to-manage IT asset manager solutions
Enhance the capabilities of your other data center management investments with the power of RF Code’s real-time data
Continuously and automatically detects all assets in all locations by rack, room and zone and includes assets that aren’t connected to the network. Active RFID asset tags will tell you where each asset is now (which can prevent hundreds of wasted hours searching for assets). Based on rack, room or zone location active RFID can tell you the current lifecycle status of all assets. Customers love when assets arrive on the loading dock and are detected automatically.
Audits happen continuously and automatically. With active RFID the detected location is compared against the asset’s recorded location and mismatches are reported. Customers have replaced manual asset audits with active RFID tags, saving time and money.
Data centers define the modern technology era, but data center teams still track and locate assets and maintain asset records manually. Active RFID replaces that manual effort. Need to locate an available asset? Look up its location in real time and go to where it is now, not where it was last scanned. Perform asset audits and reconciliation manually? Perform continuous audits automatically instead. Data center teams can do more with the resources they have.
Active RFID automatically and continually maintains an asset chain of custody and can alert to bring attention to problems. The time, date and location of each asset is automatically recorded for the life of the asset – from the time it is received to the time it is disposed. Active RFID asset tags are also used on hard drives that have been removed awaiting disposal to minimize the risk of data exposure and avoid millions of dollars in fines and lawsuits. The number of lost or stolen assets can be reduced and the time spent trying to find assets can be eliminated.
Automatically reconcile the actual location of assets detected by the the real time asset tracking against the location recorded in DCIM and ITSM tools (and other systems) and update them to keep all systems synchronized for accuracy. Asset inventory accuracy, asset record accuracy and configuration drift challenges can be solved with active RFID asset tracking.
In the data center, active RFID tags are used to know where hardware assets are at all times—even when they aren’t in the rack. RFID tags automate asset management processes and record keeping and, in some cases, can eliminate the need to audit assets manually or update inventories as assets are moved around. RFID tags can even be used to track hard drives that have been removed for disposal to help prevent data exposure.
Yes. The CenterScape RFID asset tracking software works seamlessly with the active RFID asset tags to automate asset record keeping, analytics, audits, inventory management and more.
Yes. The RFID asset tag has one way communication, cannot control or change anything, can’t connect to network/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, and can only be seen by secure readers. There is no cloud access, and all data is stored by you in your data center.
Yes. Customers successfully use accurate asset data from RF Code’s RFID tags and software to automate record keeping and accuracy with other asset management systems like ServiceNow.
Yes. RF Code’s RFID asset tracking can tell you where an asset is down to the rack, room, loading dock or zone level. And it can do this automatically for hundreds of thousands of assets at once. When an asset changes location, its new location is reported automatically. Because of the high accuracy of RFID asset tracking data RF Code’s customers use CenterScape to keep other systems up to date and accurate.