
In the second part of our Q&A with Marty Johnstone, Sales Engineer at RF Code, we discussed his move to RF Code and his opinion on the industry.

What made you make the switch to come and work for RF Code?

I believed in the solution from day one. I’d studied RFID in college and was interested in the technology. At CME Group I became the RF Code guru and RF Code were sending me to do talks and wax lyrical about their solution, so I jumped at the chance to come and work here!

You’re now the sales engineer at RF Code, what does a typical day look like for you?

I get in and check my emails to see if anything has happened overnight and what customer requests need prioritizing.

q-and-a.pngI’m working on a lot of smaller internal projects, one of which is to create even more effective customer demos. I think the best way to understand the benefits of RF Code is to have a ‘hands on’ approach so I’m working on creating formal training for customers that are more interactive.

I also work with the design engineers to improve solutions by giving them a customer perspective from my own experiences and from what I hear from customers.

How has subscription pricing/ CenterScape Cloud changed things?

Subscription pricing would have really helped get the solution in the door faster at CME Group. It’s great for customers unable to afford the cost of buying the solution outright or those struggling to get the cost signed off by budget holders.

It helps make a strong business case to justify the cost of the solution. Even after all the benefits it can be difficult to get funding, so subscription pricing makes everything a lot more manageable and an easier sell-in to executives and those outside the data center.

Where do you think the data center industry is heading?

I’m passionate about asset management and it’s my main focus. It’s so cool to see the rise of chief asset managers to address and manage the multiple devices in an organization. They know everything about the lifecycle of these devices and can manage the turnover cycle better. Technology is constantly changing so I think we’ll see more importance placed on asset management programmes and teams to ensure organizations are at the forefront of technology but also budgeting correctly. RF Code has always been ahead in this area and our solutions fit really well into a good asset management program.